the thought have left & gone you've
filled my brain with those useless
facts you think you're home how
stupid you are meet you over the
ice cube don't interrupt when i'm
eating but I promise you that i'll
meet you over the ice cube (밤이면
달로 가는 물고기들이 선홍빛 아가미를
젖히고 낮에 받은 묵은 해을 털어내고
달빛을 쫓아 붉은 나트륨 등을 가르며
선회하듯 비행 내가 그것을 볼쯤엔
나의 양 손엔 언제나 선홍색 아가미가
쥐어져 있다-상우 詩 中) think
it's your fault that i'm still alive so
you've got to meet me over the ice