Shout x 4
His work on earth is done
Shout! We are forgiven!
This is the day of his power
His Power
Shout! He has ascended
He reigns at God's right hand
Shout! 'Til death is ended
This is the day of his power
His power
Shout! With fire from heaven
He sent the Spirit down
Shout! And gifts were given
This is the day of his power
His power
Shout! Proclaim the Kingdom!
Announce the Jubilee
Shout! The year of freedom!
This is the day of his power
His power
Shout! A new generation
Rises across the land
Shout! A new demonstration
This is the day of his power
His power
Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! Tell every nation
Our hearts are willing now
Go! He is our passion
This is the day of his power
His power
Come! O come Lord Jesus
We cry O Lord how long?
Come! And end injustice
This is the day of his power
His power
Come! If you are thirsty
While living waters flow
Come and taste his mercy
This is the day of his power
His power
Shout in expectation
The whole creation yearns
Shout! For liberation
This is the day of his power
His power
Shout together in the day of his power
Sing together in the day of his power
Walk together in the day of his power
Serve together in the day of his power
Pray together in the day of his power
Work together in the day of his power
Come together in the day of his power
This is the day of his power his power
His power
His power