When traveling abroad in the continentalstyle It's my belief that one mustattempt to be discreet And subsequentlybear in mind your transient position Allowsyou a perspective that's unique Thoughyou'll find your itinerary's a blessingand a curse Your wanderlust won'tlet you settle down And you wonderhow you ever fathomed that you'dbe content To stay within the citylimits of a small midwestern town Mostvagabonds I knowed don't ever wantto find the culprit That remainsthe object of their long relentlessquest The obsession's in the chasingand not the apprehending The pursuityou see and never the arrest Withoutfear or contradiction Bon Voyageis often hollered In conjunctionwith a handkerchief from shore Bya girl that drives a Rambler andfurthermore Is overly concernedthat she won't see him anymore Planesand trains and boats and buses Characteristicallyevoke a common attitude of blue Unlessyou have a suitcase and a ticketand a passport And the cargo thatthey're carrying is you A foreignaffair juxtaposed with a stateside Anddomestically approved romantic fancy Ismysteriously attractive due to circumstancesknowing I will only be parlayedinto a memory