rain drops keep falling on my head
just like the god of to big for a think for a think
not t think to think thows
rain drops are falling on my head thank you falling
so I just did to the talking in the sun not say I didn't like the it don't sleeping on a jak those
rain drops are falling on my head thank you falling
what does one think I know what did fell it
at what it are tall happeness saw do didn't do it
rain drops keep falling on my head the fat does
fell my eyes soon be turn in rib cry not for be-cause
I'm never stop rain dot complaining because I feel
nothing fall in rain
It long be to a happness steps to bright knees
a rain drops keep falling on my head
a dot does keep my as I soon be turn in rat climb
not for be-cause I'm live a gonna stop th rain back complaining because I free love is in worry in,i~~~~n