A sharp practice
and cunning as a fox
Take the easy way out like stealing (candy) from a baby
You take whats not yours and make it all your own
Beggers must not be choosers
A short cut
Just quit
Its better if you
just give it up
I'm telling you its better to just givie it up!
Know that
Its not pain, (You gotta know that the pain is just a trick )
just a trick
Making (it) like (its) all my own
Ready made item
Losing the vibe of whats already known
A sharp practice
and cunning as a fox
Got to (a Shortcut) exaggerate oneself
I want … Want to be (big)
Cant listen no more a fresh
A vibe
anyone can be famous wow yo~!!
A passing vogue
Don't know jack but…. but they cheer you on
Ah~~(fun dance)
Giving you props (like) you sean (jean)
full of shape
(in fact)
Any port in a storm
full of shape
When did your skillz become~~~~~work to rule
Unpopular becomes poppular shit~!
A short cut