**I can show- you the world... Shin-ing shimmer-ing splen-did..
Tell me prin-cess now when did You last let your heart de-cide...
**I can o-pen your eyes... Take you won-der by won-der..
Ove-r side ways and un-der On a ma-gic car-pet ride..
##A whole new world...
A new fan-ta-stic point of view...
No one to tell us... no Or where to go... Or say we're on-ly dreamming...
##A whole new world...
A da-zzling place I ne-ver knew...
But now from way up here.. It's crys-tal clear... That now I'm in..
a whole new world with you...
$Un-be-lie-va-ble sights... In-des-cri-ba-ble feel--ing..
Soa-ing tum-bling free wheel-ing.. Through an end-less dia-mond sky...
A whole new world... A hun-dred thou-sand things.. to se..
I'm like a shoo-thing star I've come so far...
I can't go back.. to where I used to be world...
with new ho-ri-zons to pur-sue... I'll chase them a-ny-where..
There's time to space.. Let me share this whole new world with you.