7. The boy [Here comes my baby]
장르 Dance Pop
Composed & Arranged by Ruby Tuesday
Lyric & Sung by Angel O'brien
Let me tell ya bout the boy I
The boy I can't forget and
I've waited for him
For such a long time.
So when he comes to me now.
I'll never let him go and
I'll wrap my arms around him
He said he's gonna love me
He'll never let me go and
He can't imagine.
His life without me there
Were gonna be together.
Were gonna love forever.
Can't wait a minute loger.
Here comes my baby.
Here comes the boy I love and
He'll never let me go till the end of time
He'll never leave me
We'll be together always
I never knew true love
Till he came along
(repeat 2 times)
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