CES English Senior 33


33장   Can you take us to the Fifth Avenue?

Dialogue 1

Peter : Here's a good place to catch a taxi.
피터 : 택시를 잡기에 좋은 장소예요.
Nancy : Here's one now.
낸시 : 저기 하나 오네요.
Nancy : Can you take us to Fifth Avenue?
낸시 : 오번가까지 태워다 줄 수 있나요?
Driver : Sure, get in.
운전사 : 물론이죠, 타세요.
Driver : Fasten your seat belt, please. It's the law.  It's also for your protection.
운전사 : 안전 벨트 매시고요. 법으로 규정되어 있거든요. 또한 당신  안전을 위해서지요.
Nancy : You're right. It's for my own safety.
낸시 : 맞아요. 내 자신의 안전을 위해서요.
Driver : Here we are. That will be eight dollars seventy cents,  please.
운전사 : 도착했습니다. 팔달러 칠십센트입니다.
Nancy : Here. Keep the change.
낸시 : 여기요. 잔돈은 가지세요.
Driver : Thank you. Watch your step, please.
운전사 : 고맙습니다. 조심해 가세요.

Dialogue 2

Nancy : Excuse me. Where can I find the International Hotel?
낸시 : 실례합니다. 어디로 가야 인터내셔널 호텔을 찾을 수 있나요?
Lady : Well, the International Hotel is four blocks away   from here. I'm afraid you have to take a taxi.
부인 : 인터내셔널 호텔은 여기서 네블록을 가야 해요. 택시 타는 게  좋을 거예요.
Nancy : Thank you, I will. Taxi!
낸시 : 고마워요. 택시!
Driver : Where to?
운전사 : 어디로 가실 건가요?
Nancy : The International Hotel, please.
낸시 : 인터내셔널 호텔로 가주세요.
Driver : That's twenty dollars.
운전사 : 이십달러입니다.
Nancy : The fare you're asking is higher than the meter.
낸시 : 당신이 요구하는 요금이 미터기에 나온 요금보다 높은데요.
Driver : The night fare is thirty percent higher than the meter.
운전사 : 심야에는 요금이 미터기에 나온 요금보다 삼십퍼센트 높아요.
Nancy : I've never heard of that. I'll go and ask the doorman  about it.
낸시 : 들어보지 못했는데요. 내려서 호텔 도어맨에게 물어보죠.
Driver : OK. fifteen dollars will do.
운전사 : 좋습니다. 십오달러 내세요.

--- Taxi stops at the International Hotel  ------
Driver : That's 20 dollars.
Nancy : The fare you're asking is higher than the meter. The meter says $15.
Driver : The night fare is 30% higher than the meter.
Nancy : I've never heard of that. I'll go and ask the doorman about it.
Driver : OK. $15 will do.


Peter : Does this bus go to the GM stadium?
Driver : Yes, it does. Twenty five cents, please. Put it in the coin machine.
Peter : Here you are.
--- Peter and Nancy put coins in the machine ---
Driver : You paid only twenty cents. Put in five more cent, please.
Peter : But I paid twenty five cents.
Nancy : I think the driver is right. If I were you, I'd pay five more cents.
Peter : That's strange. I thought that I put in all my money. But here is the
money in my pocket! My mistake.
Nancy : Could you please tell me when we arrive at GM stadium?
Driver : Sure.

33장   발음 클리닉(Pronounciation Clinic)

제13장 [t] + [y] => [ ]

"[t]다음에 반자음 [y]가 올 때" 거친 무성음인 [t] 다음에 [이]음을 담고 있는 반자음 [y]가 오면 [ ,_? ]로 축약되어 발음됩니다.
예문은 통해 긴 발음과 축약된 발음을 들어 보세요.

long : can't you -> short : can't you
켄트 유켄 츄
long : don't you -> short : don't you
던트 유던 츄
long : aren't you -> short : aren't you
으안트 유으안 츄
long : want you -> short : want you
(우)완트 유(우)완 츄

이제 한번 따라해 보세요.

long : can't you -> short : can't you
켄트 유켄 츄
long : don't you -> short : don't you
던트 유던 츄
long : aren't you -> short : aren't you
으안트 유으안 츄
long : want you -> short : want you
(우)완트 유(우)완 츄

이제 다음 문장과 함께 연습해 보겠습니다. 먼저 긴 발음과 짧은 발음을 들어보세요.

long : Can't you join us? -> short : Can't you join us?
long : Don't you know it? -> short : Don't you know it?
long : Don't you like it? -> short : Don't you like it?
long : Why don't you come in? -> short : Why don't you come in?
long : Aren't you going to see a movie? -> short : Aren't you going to see a movie?
long : I want you to stay home -> short : I want you to stay home.
long : I want you to show me your ticket. -> I want you to show me your ticket.
long : Nice to meet you. -> short : Nice to meet you.
밑_? 유미 츄
long : Suit yourself. -> short : Suit yourself.
수우트 유어쎌프수 츄어쎌프

이제 한번 따라해 보세요.

long : Can't you join us? -> short : Can't you join us?
long : Don't you know it? -> short : Don't you know it?
long : Don't you like it? -> short : Don't you like it?
long : Why don't you come in? -> short : Why don't you come in?
long : Aren't you going to see a movie? -> short : Aren't you going to see a movie?
long : I want you to stay home -> short : I want you to stay home.
long : I want you to show me your ticket. -> I want you to show me your ticket.
long : Nice to meet you. -> short : Nice to meet you.
밑_? 유미 츄
long : Suit yourself. -> short : Suit yourself.
수우트 유어쎌프수 츄어쎌프

관련 가사

가수 노래제목  
ces CES English Senior 35  
ces CES English Senior 38  
ces CES English Senior 11  
ces CES English Senior 40  
ces CES English Senior 01  
ces CES English Senior 24  
ces CES English Senior 34  
ces CES English Senior 31  
ces CES English Senior 10  
ces CES English Senior 32  

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