Everyday, baby wow oh oh oh
2人の Brand New World
(후타리노 Brand New World)
둘만의 Brand New World
世界でただひとつ 照らす光
(세카이데타다히토츠 테라스리카리)
세상에서 단 하나를 비추는 빛
You are the one
Everywhere, baby wow oh oh oh
誓えば Brand New Days
(치카에바 Brand New Days)
맹세하면 Brand New Days
いま君がいるから 強くなれる
(이마키미가이루카라 츠요쿠나레루)
지금 그대가 있으니까 강해질 수 있어
You are the one
I'm feeling so deep inside of me
そばにいれば 溶けてゆくの
(소바니이레바 토케테유쿠노)
옆에 있으면 녹아가
I know we're gonna find the way
-君がいる- ただそれだけで
(-키미가이루- 타다소레다케데)
-너가 있어- 단지 그것만으로도
if I look in your eyes
it's romance, it's magic
마음이 하나가 될 때까지
마음에 무지개가 뜨니까
with you…
Everyday, 2人だけの
(Everyday, 후타리다케노)
Everyday, 둘만의
景色はBrand New World
(케시키와Brand New World)
경치는Brand New World
君と描くmemories, 永遠のmelodies
(키미토에가쿠memories, 에이엔노melodies)
그대와 그리는memories, 영원의melodies
You are the one
You're my all, 手を広げて
(You're my all, 테오히로게테)
You're my all, 손을 펼쳐
飛べるよBrand New Days
(토베루요Brand New Days)
날 수 있어Brand New Days
消えてゆくの loneliness, 満ちる happiness,
(키에테유쿠노 loneliness, 미치루 happiness,)
사라져 가는 loneliness, 가득 차는 happiness,
You are the one
Baby, I know you changed my world
so 1人じゃないから飛べるの
(so 히토리쟈나이카라토베루노)
so 혼자가 아니니까 날 수 있어
폭풍우 속에서도
I know I can fly, 'cause you'll be right by my side
Every time you hold me,
I can feel your heartbeat
目を閉じれば You're my fantasy
(메오토지레바 You're my fantasy)
눈을 감으면 You're my fantasy
언제나 옆에 있어줘
for me…
Everyday, baby wow oh oh oh
2人の Brand New World
(후타리노 Brand New World)
둘만의 Brand New World
世界でただ1人 つつむ光
(세카이데타다히토리 츠츠무히카리)
세상에서 단 한명을 감싸는 빛
You are the one
Time to go, baby wow oh oh oh
飛べるよBrand New Days
(토베루요Brand New Days)
날 수 있어Brand New Days
2人だけの空を いつか愛も 越えるの
(후타리다케노소라오 이츠카아이모 코에루노)
둘만의 하늘을 언젠가 사랑도 넘을 수 있어
Everyday, baby wow oh oh oh
Baby… you're my Brand New World
'cause I feel you in my memories
and love of melodies
You are the one
You're my all, baby wow oh oh oh
Baby… you're my Brand New Days
I will take away your loneliness
We'll share the happiness
You are the one
Wow oh oh oh, You are the one
Wow oh oh oh, You're my brand new world
Wow oh oh oh, You are the one
Wow oh oh oh, You're my brand new days