Lai-ya, Lai-ya, Lai-ya-il-Lai, Lai - ya for Jesus.
Lai-ya, Lai-ya, Lai-ya-il-Lai, Lai - ya for Jesus.
Someone walking on the hill.
Carrying a cross on his back.
He is bleeding at his forehead.
Cause he put a thorn crown on.
They are driving nails on his hands and his feet.
Cause he needs to be hung up on the tree cross.
I must follow him.
Cause his voice is calling me.
I thank to him.
Cause he washed all my sins.
I have to live for him.
Cause he passed away for me.
Cause he passed away, not for anyone,
Just for me, for me.
Lai-ya, Lai-ya, Lai-ya-il-Lai, Lai - ya for Jesus.
Lai-ya, Lai-ya, Lai-ya-il-Lai, Lai - ya for Jesus.
He is hanging on the cross.
Cause God abandoned his son.
Every blood was poured out.
Cause his body was ripped.
He doesn't hate people.
Cause he loves them.
He is praying to his God
To make wash their sins.
The reason God left his son to die is
to save me who has to die.
Lai-ya, Lai-ya, Lai-ya-il-Lai, Lai - ya for Jesus.
Lai-ya, Lai-ya, Lai-ya-il-Lai, Lai - ya for Jesus.