T.O.P. -Twinkling of paradise-
What you gonna do what I gatta do,
keep me up and makin' a cash, in flash, a last
do you wanna see the light, or stand alone,
what you gonna do now what's up with the past
What you gonna do what I gatta do,
this is how we do, you niggas better know,
do you wanna see the light, or stand alone,
in the midst of flippin' side, puttin' it down, wild comin'
through your town.
My love is D.R.C. いとしいあなた
My love is D.R.C. 이토시이아나타
My love is D.R.C. 사랑스러운 당신
I know you're always part of me あいたくなるよ
I know you're always part of me 아이타쿠나루요
I know you're always part of me 보고싶어져요
このままじゃな にもかもぎえてしまうよ
코노마마쟈나 니모까모기에테시마우요
이대로는 모두 사라져 버려요
사랑했던 우리들의 나날도
# (The)Twinkling of paradise one more your life
Dear love you're only soul of mine
Desperately dreamin' for the everlasting moments of
our love The way of M.I.L.
Undecipherable acronyms おかくにん
Undecipherable acronyms 오카크닝
Undecipherable acronyms를 확인
こまくにきさみこむさくひん jugglin' in this しまくに
코마쿠니키사미코무사쿠힌 jugglin' in this 시마쿠니
고막에 새겨넣은 작품을 jugglin' in this섬나라
verbal's dimension, でへんけいだいでんし
verbal's dimension,으로 데헨케이다이덴시
verbal's dimension,으로 변형the유전자
S.E.S돌파the air waves and frequencies
S.E.S돌파the air waves and frequencies
D.O.P., D.O.G.なんもつたえたかあっだた
D.O.P., D.O.G. 난도모쯔타에타카앗다타
D.O.P., D.O.G. 몇번이고 전하고 싶었어요
이까나이데토 모도옷데오이데요도
가지 말라고 돌아오라고
울고 싶은 이 마음을
왜 말 못했을까
Break my heart
# 반복
[verbal with SHOO and EUGENE]
Yo, lookin' out the まど, I'm seein' flow しゃだちのあしあど
Yo, lookin' out the 마도, I'm seein' flow 샤다찌노아시아도
Yo, lookin' out the창, I'm seein' flow사람들의 발자취
I patrol このがそおだいしょよなまちがど
I patrol 코노가소오다이쇼노요나마찌가도
I patrol 이 가장 대상같은 모퉁이길
It's crazy, やじゅ-だちのすて-ざ
It's crazy, 야쥬-다찌노스테-지
It's crazy, 야수들의 스테이지에서
Paradise だけもとめるagent,for evidence
Paradise 다께모토메루 agent,for evidence
Paradise만을 원하는agent,for evidence
매서운 눈초리를 가진 그 사람
でもただようのわだましいの freedom
하지만 떠도는 것은 영혼의 freedom
ey ey, what you lookin'at? Mind your own, ふっときな
ey ey, what you lookin'at? Mind your own, 흣토키나
ey ey, what you lookin'at? Mind your own, 내버려둬
そんなんじゃないit ain't even like that
손난쟈나이 it ain't even like that
그런 것이 아니야 it ain't even like that
but a なぜみんなそんなにいそぐの?
but a 나제민나손나니이소구노?
but a 왜 모두 그렇게 서두르는거야?
밤에는 취해쓰러지고 낮에는 경쟁
why do people gotta seek the lifestyle of the
why do people gotta seek the lifestyle of the
rich and famous, よぐぼお's the word, what's the lastest
rich and famous, 요구보오's the word, what's the lastest
rich and famous, 욕망's the word, what's the lastest
무너저 내려가는 이 마음을 전해주고 싶어
がなしみもしあわせもぜんぶどびじるごの かんお
슬픔도 행복도 모두 날려 흐터지는 이 순간을
살짝 받쳐주는 것 같이
Stay in my heart
Stay in my heart
Don't you go away
Don't you go away
# 반복